Rainier Title Meets Waterfront ~ 3 CE Hours via Zoom


January 22


10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rainier-title-meets-waterfront-3-ce-hours-via-zoom-tickets-1101975230579

Rainier Title Education

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/rainier-title-education-4388921891
Join us for a comprehensive understanding of waterfront property rights and title considerations.

Get all your waterfront questions answered in this informative class! We’ll explore what waterfront property is, who owns the water and the land beneath or adjacent to it, and who has control over these areas. Most importantly, we’ll discuss how title insurers address these issues. Join us for a comprehensive understanding of waterfront property rights and title considerations.

Rainier Title
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